The packing system you use when packaging popcorn will have a big impact on the product, just like the type of processing methods you are using will affect the quality of the raw materials.

PACKWAY engineering team understands the unique requirement in popcorn packing process.

Understand The Popcorn Features

Popcorn is quite unique product because it is

a. Puffed snack: light in weight, occupied more volume
b. Crumbly: Get crushed easily
c. Shelf life extended should be considered
d. Moisture on surface: 

In fact, there’s a layer of sticky sugar coating on the surface. It tends to create more possibility of clumping, sticking during feeding, weighing and packing process. Plus the popcorn always with irregular shape, This makes it more difficult to fill the product with precision.

At PACKWAY, we have an experience engineers teams with reliable support staff that dedicate most of their time and expertise to resolve all challenges our customer have met while handling their packaging.

The obvious benefits by cooperating with us directly is we always focus on finding great new better ways to customize the solutions specially on your product and overcome the challenge you meet with. To offer greater range of packaging options.

Our Popcorn packing machine system is special designed to eliminate above problems and challenge.

By using this specific system, we can provide a perfect solution on all process that starts with smooth product conveying, precision weighing, to the perfect bagging.

Fixed your target customer  

Popcorn is consumed by a wide range of people, from children, to adults, to the elderly;

Typical popcorn packaging can be in nett weight range from about 20gm to 100g or more. This will depends on your marketing strategy and the manufacturing plan.

A good trend we’ve seen is that, more and more small to mid-sized popcorn companies that has the plan to upgrade their production equipment, the increasing marketing needs allow them afford their own automatic popcorn packaging machine , so to better get into the popcorn market and gets more market share.

And these small and medium-sized popcorn production enterprises is also who we are trying to help. This decides our equipment must have the high Return-on-investment.

Decide a Bag Style fits flexible Capacity

Most of gourmet popcorn package is sold in a “pillow bag”, also know as “back sealing pack” That’s the most popular and common use bag style, typically made from raw material of packing film roll, it means our VFFS (vertical form fill seal machines) is a perfect option.

The VFFS packaging machine making “pillow bags” can range from small pack like 15g, 20g for individual servings snack bags, to larger family sized bags about 80g, 100g or more. You can decide it.

Because you just need to change the bag former when change bag size, no need too much extra cost. Perfect machine to make ” flexible popcorn bag” and meet different customer group and get more profits.

Filling Nitrogen To extend Shelf Life

Filling Nitrogen or other Inert gas Has multiple protections for popcorn pack. Obvious, extending the popcorn shelf life is top purpose, which will ensure that when your customer open the bag, the popcorn still tasty. The wonderful experience will determine their repurchase rate, it’ll have a direct impact on your sales performance.

The additional benefit of gas flush or  MAP (modified atmosphere packaging) , is using compress air to fill inside the bag, to protect the popcorn during follow-up process. This is 100% essential, unless the popcorn would be crushed in the boxing process and during transportation, could greatly decrease the visual appeal and even worse will damage your brand image.

Muti-head weigher with anti-stick function

To over come the challenge of clumping, sticking during weighing process, PACKWAY engineering team specially design a “anti-stick” function weigher, which has dimple plate surface to Reduce contact surface and friction to avoid adhesion. Coating a layer of teflon on the scale surface can further reduce the adhesion probability.  

Reach out to us now, contact our engineers to get a customize system to your specific needs!

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